jQuery-Plugin with D3.js: Stack Bars Indicator

Animated stacked bars percentage indicator jQuery plugin
jQuery Plugin for indicating percentage values with the option of clicking on each bar for selection purpose

Minimal html configuration

<div id="indicator"></div>

jQuery initialization and customization

This plugin requires jQuery (>= 1.8.x) and D3.js (>= v5.4.0).

text {
	fill: #777;
	font-family: Helvetica, Arial;
	font-size: 11px;
.stack:hover {
	cursor: pointer;

	data: [],
	height: 48,
	bottomMargin: 0,
	container: '#indicator',
	colorSetting: ["#33876b","#559559","#77a347","#98b236","#bac024","#dcce12"],
	stackMargin: 0,
	stackHeight: 6,
	textPositionEven: -4,
	textPositionOdd: -4,
	hoverButtonWidth: 200,
	stackMinWidth: 15,
	disableEvents: false,
	onSectionClick: function (obj) {
		console.log("Clicked Section Data",obj);
	hoverText: function (obj) {
		return obj.value +" ("+obj.percent+"): " + obj.label;


Parameter Type Default Description
data array [] data array: [{"key": 0, label: "Element", "value": 1}]

object properties:
"key" (int): ID of current set
"label" (string): label of current set
"value" (int): value of current set

container string #indicator ID or class of HTML container element (div)
height int 48 total height of SVG container
bottomMargin int 0 bottom margin after the stack bar element
stackMargin int 0 margin between each stack element
stackHeight int 6 height of stack bar (small value for thin bar)
stackMinWidth int 15 minimal width of stack bar to show percentage value above (hide text if bar is very small)
this corresponds to the textsize
text { font-size: 11px; }
textPositionEven int -4 The percentage text value for each stack bar can be positioned above or under the bar.
negative value for above
positive value for under
This value will change all even items.
textPositionOdd int -4 The percentage text value for each stack bar can be positioned above or under the bar.
negative value for above
positive value for under
This value will change all odd items.
hoverButtonWidth int 200 minimal width of button element when mouse pointer hoovers over
colorSetting array ["#33876b", "#559559", "#77a347", "#98b236", "#bac024", "#dcce12", "#cccccc", "#b2b2b2", "#9a9a9a", "#808080", "#4a4a4a", "#121212"] array of color definitions (HEX values)
disableEvents boolean false set to true if you do not wish to enable any mouse interaction
default: enabled events


Parameter Description
onSectionClick call back function for click event

object keys:
"key" (int): ID of clicked element
"label" (string): label of clicked element
"value" (int): value of clicked element
"percent" (string): percentage value of clicked element
"total" (int): total amount of all data

hoverText call back function for custom hover text format
expects string as return value

object keys:
"key" (int): ID of current element
"label" (string): label of current element
"value" (int): value of current element
"percent" (string): percentage value of current element
"total" (int): total amount of all data


Parameter Description
update update graph
method name "update"
expects second parameter "data"
var data = []; $("#indicator").stackbars("update", data);


Plugin minified version
View project on Github: Github Repository